So it has finally happened. I am taking my own calls. I am so happy I could just spit. LOL
This is so overrated. I should be sitting next to someone sidejacking so that i don't have to do anything but learn and laught at everything. I guess I should feel better because the time will go faster but it doesn't feel right. I'm the kind of person that should just sit around and waddle around when my ass thinks its neccessary. But i guess that isn't going to happen.
Plus I'm on the phone for not even 2 hours and my boss comes over and tells me that we will have to work on my call times and aftercall already. I wasn't even that high in times nor aftercall but he is already telling me we have to work on bonus. I was on the phone for a total of 2 hours and i am already being herassed about this crap. Does it matter if the customer was happy or fixed, not really...i love call centers...the factory work of the new century...
Well at least some of the pills have kicked in and i feel better and not ready to pull my hair out. So that is good i guess, but if i have to take a pill just to work here i think that i really need to move on...
When talking to most people that work here are on some kind of pill or another to make the day flow. Makes me wonder how great this world has become that 90% of people have to have pills just to make a living. I hate that thought and now i'm part of kind of makes me sick.
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