Monday, August 29, 2005

The End of a day

Well i made it to the end of my first shift. It was nice i didn't have to take a call yet so the real fun hasn't started. But i'm having fun reading each line word for word in this training manual. It is so exciting of a read. It has kept me on the edge of my seat all night.

So i spent about an hour and a half trying to get the printer to work. And guess what i'm still without a printer because this network setup they have here is retarded. I can easily print in bumb-fucked egypt but not to a printer 20 feet away...LOL

I got a travel reimbursment check that is about 10 months old...what speed this company has...

I"m still waiting on username and passwords for 90% of the systems that i have to use. My sup said that it may take a while but i should do fine without them...yeah i just can't log into a phone but that is ok i don't want to take a call then they can track every move i make once they have the leash back on me. You can't even pick your nose without the phone tracking it...aux 9...LOL yeah i know it doesn't exist but from the last time i was on the phones the tracking system doesn't count it as anytime that they track...LOL That will be a test i will have to try at a later time.

Oh i forgot to tell you that the few usernames and passwords that i got from my sup was on a napkin...LOL...that is no lie! The nice smugged lettering from the good old sup. I have been sneezing so maybe he thought that i could reuse it and blow my nose. We are a company trying to save as much money as possible. We can't afford to make our systems work so we have to be creative. I should write a memo on toilet paper and show how good i can be at making this company a rich and lovely that the people that are buying us out will have to pay a few more pennies for us...LOL

Well i have to get my napkin (such high security) and pack up my training manual so that i can go home and restup for my next big adventure...


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